Taurus New Moon May 2021


It's Taurus Season !

Taurus New Moon 2021 is here !! We know #Taurusseason started in late April. The #LunarTaurus season starts tomorrow which is the #TaurusNewMoon on May 11/12.

Opening the door to the Eclipse Season, a time of shift and transformation.

What is Eclipse season you may ask?

It is a time of change and transformation.

It is a time where the Universe presents an opportunity to make a quantum jump onto a higher path for our soul evolution.

So if you gain some new friends and lose some old ones it is ok.  Your frequency is no longer intertwined with them is all.

The eclipse is not happening during the Taurus New Moon. Eclipse season is not until the end of this month.

What the new Moon does for you.

New Moons however, are a time of new beginnings and represent a fresh start to feel a calling to bring your energy inward to reflect, plan , and strategize. Not all new moons are highly active and want us to ride their fresh energy wave,  some new moons require us to step back and reflect where we are in life .

Even though you have these changing energies rolling in, the Taurus New Moon offers a grounding force, helping to stabilize and balance your energy field.

If you harness its energy, you can use it to recharge, restore, and feel a sense of security in yourself before the Eclipse magic takes full effect.

Taurus New Moon

Taurus New Moon will bring you a new surrounding of enjoying + Savoring the simples pleasures life has to offer will come to surface. 

If you were busy for the past few weeks getting your ducks in a row, running around focusing on getting work done to execute your life goals. This new moon will allow you to reflect and appreciate all of your hard work through relaxation. 

Treat yourself by enjoying savory foods, being out with nature, and be more social enjoying other’s company. 

Since Taurus an Earth sign and  is considered the $$$ Ruler, you might experience more financial developments,  abundance, and grounding energy from this new moon. Perfect time for you to get centered, to be clear on what your intentions + goals are financially or materially moving forward going into this eclipse season this summer.

Taurus New Moon Sextiles

Venus and Mercury

The will be in Venus. Making it the perfect time to do some soul-care, self-care, relax and reflect to harness the lunar energy with ease . This Lunar cycle is not just Venus themed it is has some Mercury sprinkle on top too. Creating a double body Air Sign with a strong influence in:

If you are learning or grown a fond interest in these, they will become more strongly peaked interest in the weeks that lie ahead. So keep it up you will prosper in a new skill soon. 

Saturn and Jupiter

This new moon also squares with both Saturn and Jupiter. Saturn is the planet of boundaries + responsibilities. Jupiter is the planet optimism + expansion. Be ready have a longing to grow and expand as person from harnessing Jupiter’s energy, while overcoming some past inner limits, rules, boundaries and responsibilities you were taught as a child from Saturn’s energy.

You’ll face some road blocks that will highlight and test whether or not you are committed to achieving what you really want in life in your goals and future. It could be self-sabotaging or still following out-dated rules you no longer believe in.  Be your own leader and trust your instincts. 

How to Harness These Energies.

heart, moon, night sky

What to do during this New Moon?

Before mercury Retrograde hits , it is best to make some decisions before then. Such as a business deal,  and purchasing electronics. Also this would be the best time to collab with people for summer. 

Love Life

Started dating again? This new moon is perfect to effectively communicate what you want in relationship while having mentally stimulating conversations. This can help couples who’s lacking in communicating their emotions and boundaries in their current relationship. Have a date night where is no distractions where you can communicate in healthy respectful manner.

Taurus New Moon Ritual May 2021

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